Can you hear that? The bells are chiming. The thurible swings back and forth. The mass is back in session. There must be a new holy new mixtape out now on Berlin’s venerable Janus label. And this time, the celebrants are the pair of stellar Danish producers Why Be and Beacktearer.
It’s no secret that we’ve been worshipers of Why Be and Backtearer for a little while now. Both Why Be’s Snipestreet and Backtearer’s Swear impressed us in 2015, and since then, these two have popped up on amazing mixes and records with the likes of Elysia Crampton, Chino Amobi, Rabit and many more. Pretty heavenly company all around, no?
And now the blessings continue with the dc mixtape, which Janus describes as “an oneiric suite, moving through expressive registers alternately liturgical, pastoral, and diaristic.” Though the two international producers have joined forces before on “Freedom Amph,” a track off Swear, this EP marks their first complete collaborative project (the cover art was also contributed by none other than TMT-crush Chino Amobi). Setting aside the caustic club sounds they both frequent, dc consists of one 15-minute composite suite of elevatory, processional ambient music. It’s as beautiful and as beatless as either artist has ever been.
Stream the that angelic mix of beautiful, beatless hymns for yourself down below. And of course, you can capture it forever on vinyl, too.
The mass is now ended. Go in peace.
dc tracklisting:
o1. dc
More about: Backtearer, Chino Amboi, Why Be