When last we spoke of Daughn Gibson, the best we could do was speculate. The entire western world seemed to wait with baited breath, while the pundits and wags crowded around by the hour to toss out their half-baked opinions like so many half-baked baked goods. Inquiring minds wanted — nay, “thirsted” — nay, “masturbated” to know what the future might hold for them and those they loved. Would people dig Gibson’s shtick of being all Hank Williams Sr. and dubby-hazville at the same time? Would people continue to gravitate towards his new record (TMT Review) and flock to his, at the time, scant handful of June gigs? Would we keep having to do the extra mental work of spelling his name D-A-U-G-H-N, but pronouncing it “Don”? No one, not even the Washington insiders who supposedly know all the things that we don’t know that we don’t know, knew the answers to any of these momentous questions.
But now, thanks to the recent Supreme Court rulings, we finally have some definitive answers about Daughn Gibson’s touring future and can begin to look forward to what’s next. And speaking of “what’s next,” here’s what’s next.
07.15.12 - Reggie’s - Chicago, IL (Official Pitchfork Festival Afterparty with Olivia Tremor Control)
08.21.12 - Sound Academy - Toronto, ONT*
08.22.12 - The Vic - Chicago, IL*
08.24.12 - First Ave - Minneapolis, MN*
08.25.12 - Slowdown - Omaha,NE*
08.26.12 - Ogden - Denver, CO*
08.27.12 - In The Venue - Salt Lake City, UT*
08.29.12 - Malkin Bowl - Vancouver, BC*
08.30.12 - The Neptune - Seattle, WA*
08.31.12 - Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR*
09.01.12 - Fox Theater - Oakland, CA*
09.02.12 - FYF FEST - Los Angeles, CA
09.05.12 - Elbo Room - San Francisco, CA
09.06.12 - The Chapel Tavern - Reno, NV
09.07.12 - Star Theater - Portland,OR% (Music Fest Northwest)
* Yeasayer
% Pains of Being Pure at Heart
• Daughn Gibson: http://daughngibson.com
• White Denim: http://www.whitedenimmusic.com