It’s time for the age-old question: how do sound designers feel about putting water instead of milk on cereal?
Also, how do sound designers fare on a musical level when they’re removed from a project that they’re tasked to complement? Presumably one’s imagination works just as well as the visuals that necessarily accompany movies or video games; and in Dean Hurley’s case, we’re inevitably inclined to suspect dreams characterized by a general desolation or a reanimated Bob Ross jumping through your television in a manner that would make Samara Morgan jealous.
The Ring needs not be an inspiration, given Hurley’s longstanding connection with David Lynch and the former’s more recent work on Twin Peaks, of course — so the prospect of hearing that mind mostly departed from his score or supervisory duties sounds pretty appealing. (We’ll wait on the water + cereal conundrum.)
Anthology Resource Vol. II: Philosophy of Beyond is, shockingly, the sequel to the first Anthology Resource that Hurley released via Sacred Bones in 2017. The latter had more of a direct connection to his contributions to the third season of Twin Peaks, but as far as I can tell, Philosophy of Beyond is a collection of “ethereal” pieces that are more untethered. Some of the material comes from Hurley’s time as a resident artist at Masters of Modern Sound. The album may or may not sound more like an “album” than the first one did.
The trailer below should leave you with high/paranormal hopes. Pre-order the release before the July 12 abduction date right here.

Anthology Resource Vol II: Philosophy of Beyond tracklisting:
01. Edge of the Known
02. The Curved Arrow of Time
03. Dissension
04. Low Harmonic Fanfare / Growth
05. Exotic Matter
06. Far Boundaries
07. Splendor
08. Pastness
09. Echoes of the Known
10. In Knowing
11. Somewhere in Time
12. Birth
More about: Dean Hurley