For a band that you’d think would have driven off their entire fan base by now with all of the editorialization-provoking garbage they’ve been dumping on the world for the better part of this past decade, Death Cab For Cutie sure have had an incredibly busy 2009. They pushed that big single from the New Moon soundtrack, shot a ludicrous video for the song in Toronto, and got married (yes, all four of them, I think) to “actress” and “musician” Zooey Deschanel.
But that 2009 trash was just a couple of hamburgers in the recycling bin compared to what’s coming down the garbage chute in 2010, because it seems as though the boyz are gearing up to half-ass another full-length studio record of spikethorny deepability and melan-jammy what-have-youness. And to hear them tell it, phoning-it-in all the time is apparently much harder work that you’d realize:
“We’re really just starting to crack it open, like kind of getting into the demos for the first time, bouncing some ideas back and forth,” guitarist/producer/failed solo artist Chris Walla said in between yawns and big spoonfuls of peanut butter. “So we haven’t dived in and hit the ‘record’ button yet. We’re trying to figure out when to dive in and hit the ‘record’ button. That’s sort of where we’re at.” Hey man, cool; that’s sorta where my band is at right now too.
“We’ve definitely cleared space [in our schedule]. It’s the project this year for us,” drummer Jason McGerr chimed in, “but we don’t know where we’re going yet.” So there you have it, folks. You don’t have to have any idea what’s going on around you in order to be in this band. But I guess maybe that’s why they all (again, all four of them) got married to Zooey Willfarrel or whoever.
So, I guess more details on the new Death Cab album coming, you know, whenever.