Hey, tell me something: what happened to the edgy, provocative, subversive Death Grips we used to party to? You know, the dudes who totally upset the system by fake breaking up that one time? They straight-up had the media eating out of their hands. Or remember when they put that dick on their album cover? That was weird, right?
But now they’re just announcing a new album on their social media? And it’s not even out yet? And it’s called Year of the Snitch, and there are no other details as of yet other than it’s “coming soon”? That’s fucking weak. This is some Taylor Swift shit. Death Grips sold out FOR SURE.
But hey… if you really think about it… no one’s doing conventional album cycles anymore. Everyone’s trying to be Beyoncé or something. Wait… that’s crazy. Actually, that’s dope. Idk, is this literally genius? Are they actual geniuses? This is amazing. Lol they’re playing everybody. Omg, this is hilarious!
Okay, I’m way too fucking hyped. I gotta go read some Nietzsche and take a nap or something. Wake me up if the album drops, okay? Thx.
Year of the Snitch pic.twitter.com/k8mKLQmSCM
— Ꭰeath Ꮹrips (@bbpoltergiest) March 22, 2018
More about: Death Grips