DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE. Do you remember when music came out on Tuesdays, to keep us out of our minds till the weekend? What if I told you that just next week you could step back into pre-2015 paradise? Well, I’m telling you: For the first time ever, the ~vaporwave~ trio/collective/supergroup death’s dynamic shroud is operating at FULL STRENGTH. Composed of HCMJ, Tech Honors, and Giant Claw, death’s dynamic shroud are set to release Heavy Black Heart digitally on Tuesday, August 15 via the beloved Orange Milk Records. (By the way, they ditched the “.wmv” at the end of their moniker, so now you’ll feel like 20% less of a jerk when you tell your co-worker Jason which artist made him feel like his “head is exploding.” “Hell yeah, in a good way, right?” “No, in the worst way, Patrick. Turn it off.” Um, okay, Jason!) Holy smokes, that really is next week! I’m not sure how they plan to reconcile opener “CD Player IV” with the forthcoming vinyl and cassette releases, but that’s none of my business. (Wait, did you say “CD Player IV”? Nice.)
If we’re getting technical, despite the heavy-hitting CLASSROOM SEXXTAPE from last year, Heavy Black Heart is the “real follow-up” to 2015’s masterful, staralgic I’ll Try Living Like. And, from what I can tell, it seems to pick up where DARK WEB left off, too, crawling somewhere on the ceiling.
Sound good? Well, be careful, you could listen to this till the sun comes up (I know I just did).
What was once maybe the most “traditionally” (?) vaporwave of the Orange Milk oeuvre has gone 2x and 1080p. Rich text soup for the teenage soul (though instead of using emoji like the teens, they’re spelling it out). You, in reverse. Beyond the black rainbow! All together now, the Bachian overdrive samples of Giant Claw, the ocean floor dredge of HCMJ, the whatever-it--is that Tech Honors does. The album joins solo releases this year from Giant Claw and HCMJ. For what it’s worth, I’ve never seen them all in the same room, or at all, for that matter. What’s the matter? Do you like me?
Decentralized nostalgia pumped out of its chimera heart when the rose-tinted floor fell from under us: We were in the basement now. And death’s dynamic shroud blew from the egress window, our only exit.
If you’re wondering what death’s dynamic shroud is all about, it strikes at and beyond the affective space opened by reading YouTube comments for Juice Newton videos at 4 AM (“My Don, I will join you in heaven soon. I love you so much.” “everytime I troll for music on Youtube I am remember how glad I am to have the internet and all the trips I made from a rural area to obtain music for myself growing up Thanks Youtube.?”? “This song is so loaded with bittersweet memories. Love lost but never forgotten is so hard. Love always to my secret love.?” “What a sweet reminder of some of the best times of my life”).
TMT has the pleasure of premiering “Tell Me Your Secret,” which you can listen to here:
And if that wasn’t enough, here’s the Heavy Black Heart tracklist:
01. CD Player IV
02. Tell Me Your Secret
03. My Turned-Off Phone
04. Nothing Like This World
05. Life Should Be Easy
06. You At Night
07. Pennington Acres
08. South God Queen
09. Dream Argument
10. Across The Pacific

More about: death's dynamic shroud.wmv, Giant Claw, HCMJ, Tech Honors