Real talk: 2017’s been hard on everyone, and for those of us residing high up in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve now got winter’s nonsense to deal with. Those first few snowflakes are nice at first (the beauty of mother nature, blah, blah, blah), but it turns into nasty slush pretty damn quickly. The options: 1) spend months trudging through a frigid metropolis; skin dry, nose runny, jeans ruined, or 2) rack up the Uber bills. It’d be great if there was an escape hatch to a place flowing with strong caipirinhas and sweet, mellifluous electronic music vibes keeping winter’s brutality at bay.
Don’t despair! That place exists, electronic fiends. In March — a month where spring says “I’m here jk lol” for most North Americans and Europeans — Dekmantel returns with its second, sunny São Paulo edition. Aside from the array of eclectic musicians, the two-day fest raises the bar with its unique venue: the abandoned Playcenter amusement park located in the middle of the city. (Easily accessible via trains!)
That’s right: on March 3-4, 2018, dozens of of finest names in electronica — including chillwave mastermind Four Tet, brain rinsers Modeselektor, DJ stalwart Nina Kraviz, Detroit techno veterans Marcel Dettmann and Palms Trax, and the electrofunk grooves of Floating Points — will basically set up shop amid the ruins of Jurassic Park! Also joining the cabal is a host of local Brazilian acts to expand your musical horizons — including Marcos Valle, a Brazilian pop institution with almost five decades in the game.
Head here for tickets and more details, and keep scrolling for a list of confirmed acts and a few shots of the incredibly spooky, Scooby Doo-esque location. (Many flights from the northern part of the world are under a grand – just sayin’ for all the jetsetters out there. And it goes without saying: you’ll return home with a rad tan. Até já!)
Dekmantel Festival São Paulo 2018 confirmed acts:
Four Tet, Modeselektor, Nina Kraviz, Marcel Dettmann, Floating Points, Mano Le Tough, Marcos Valle, Azymuth & DJ Nuts, Os Mulheras Negras, Midland, Palms Trax, Mall Grab, Antal, Young Marco, DJ Stingray, Danny Daze, Peggy Gou, Vladimir Ivkovic, Lena Willikens, Maria Rita Stumpf, Randomer, Anthony Parasole, Kobosil, Jayda G, Courtesy, Dekmantel Soundsystem, Bufiman, Elena Colombi, Interstellar Funk, Selvagem, Davis, Zopelar, Tessuto, Tako, Izabel, John Gomez, Cashu, Carrot Green, Marcio Vermelho, Tata Ogan, Tahira, Kinkid, Barbara Boeing, Leeon & Mansvr, Caio T, Gui Scott, Nascii, TYV
A few photos of the Playcenter location:

More about: Floating Points, Four Tet, Marcel Dettmann, Marcos Valle, Modeselektor, Nina Kraviz, Palms Trax