Partied-out? DJ Spinn and Taso don’t know the meaning of the hyphenated word, even if Hyperdub’s been more than insistent on keeping the 10th anniversary festivities going until people start seeing the world in binary, à la Neo from The Matrix. Of course there are the four anniversary compilations that the label saw fit to low-frequency bludgeon us with throughout the year, but separately, there was the just-concluded 10th anniversary tour, as well as the just-announced Teklife compilation, on which Spinn and Taso are both featured. They could be tired of the limelight by now. Or they could jet off to Europe to spread some more footwork awareness like the true music patriots that they are.
And so! The dates alluded to are below. Having seen Spinn and Taso at a Hyperdub showcase mere weeks ago, I don’t know if I was ready for that much (hand) throwing-up. Now people get the wrong idea when I say my wrist hurts from the late night. Jumping on stage is totally allowed! Let it be known, Europers, if you weren’t already aware.
DJ Spinn & Taso Dates:
10.08.14 - Leipzig, Germany - Conne Island
10.09.14 - Berlin, Germany - Prince Charles
10.10.14 - Manchester, UK - Soup Kitchen
10.11.14 - London, UK - Studio Space
10.16.14 - Sheffield, UK - The Harley
10.17.14. - Krakow, Poland - Unsound Festival
10.18.14 - Tallinn, Estonia - HETK
• DJ Spinn: https://www.facebook.com/djspinn163
• Taso: https://www.facebook.com/theofficialtaso
• Teklife: http://www.teklife57.com