After nine years, three albums, a butt-load of EPs and singles, Double Dagger are calling it quits. Their reason, as posted this afternoon on their website, was this:
Like any relationship’s end, it’s complex, but for us it mostly comes down to time. As the band got older and grew and changed, the people in it did too, and our individual lives are pulling us towards other pursuits. With this in mind, we decided to focus on playing a few final shows in some of our favorite cities, and go out on a high note instead of slowing fading away. We still like the music, the shows, and each other, and we think it’s best to bring things to a close while we can still devote our full energy to this music.
Okay, that’s fair. That doesn’t mean I like it. I have a big case of the sads. However, this isn’t the END end. The band has been working on a few new songs that will be released posthumously, most likely via Thrill Jockey. Their last show will take place on Friday, October 21, 2011 at the Ottobar in Baltimore with “awesome secret guests.” If you can’t make it to Baltimore, they also have dates in DC, Brooklyn, Cleveland, and two shows in Chicago (one listed as TBD, because I bet it’s some sweaty house show).
Goodbye, Double Dagger. I will never forget being 16 and getting kicked in the face and having a black eye and busted lip and telling my mom I tripped at work.
Final dates:
10.14.11 - Chicago, IL - Ultra Lounge
10.15.11 - Chicago, IL - TBD
10.16.11 - Cleveland, OH - Now That’s Class
10.19.11 - Washington DC - Black Cat
10.20.11 - Brooklyn, NY - Death By Audio ^
10.21.11 - Baltimore, MD - Ottobar *
* with “awesome secret special guests!!!”
• Double Dagger: http://www.posttypography.com/doubledagger
• Thrill Jockey: http://www.thrilljockey.com