How do you follow up a 2004 release titled Louden Up Now? With a March 4, 2007 release called Myth Takes. Good move !!!. I see that you Brooklyn dance-punkers received my letter that I sent you:
Dear !!!,To all of you feeble-minded TMT readers, what I said to them in binary code was “Myth Takes.” A month later, the band decides the title for their anticipated release. Coincidence? Yes! Weird? No, not really. Stupid? Mos def!I decided to send this message to you written in blood. I hope that does not offend you. I appreciate your silly lyrics and intellectual declaration of “Footloose.” I was a little thrown off when you went on tour in the UK supporting Red Hot Chili Peppers. But I have forgiven you. I decided to be cleverly frivolous like my “idols” and write this letter in binary code. However, I didn’t write this letter in binary code until right NOW!
01101101 01111001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101011 01100101 01110011With love-funk,
Here is the tracklist for Myth Takes that I so ironically ESPd to their asses:
1. Myth Takes
2. All My Heroes Are Weirdos
3. Must Be The Moon
4. A New Name
5. Heart Of Hearts
6. Sweet Life
7. Yadnus
8. Bend Over Beethoven
9. Break In Case Of Anything
10. Infinifold
And here is a binary message for all you TMT readers out there: 01110000 01100101 01101110 01101001 01110011. The first one to decipher the message wins a date with Tad Hamilton! No, just kidding. You win nothing.