In “The Full Retard,” the first single off Cancer for Cure, El-P shouts, “you should pump this shit like they do in the future.” Honestly, I just don’t know if I can get on board with that — I’ve always assumed they’d be pumping this shit in the future, because we’ll all be living on space stations then. Right?
According to some weirdos who really like farm tools and decimals, El-P will release Cancer for Cure on May 22 via Fat Possum, and it’ll feature appearances from the likes of Killer Mike, Danny Brown, Paul Banks, and (recently signed to Universal Republic) Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire. Even though this will be his first album since 2007’s I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead (TMT Review), El-P hasn’t just been hanging out since then. He appeared on Das Racist’s 2010 mixtape, Sit Down, Man (TMT Review) as well as on their 2011 album, Relax, released two volumes of his Weareallgoingtoburninhell mixtape as well as an Adult Swim single called “Drones Over BKLYN,” contributed a verse to Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire’s “Huzzah,” and produced Killer Mike’s forthcoming album, R.A.P. Music. Damn.
You can stream “The Full Retard” over at Pitchfork too, and make sure you pump that shit, like they presumably do in the future.
• El-P: https://www.facebook.com/THEREALELP
• Fat Possum: http://www.fatpossum.com
More about: El-P