ICYMI due to the depth of meaning behind American Drift that requires a shirking of other hobbies in order to fully appreciate, Elysia Crampton announced recently via Twitter that she’s signed with the North Carolina-based Break World Records. The label has recently sponsored releases from James Ferraro, Teengirl Fantasy, and Goth Money.
Crampton’s contract is for two albums, the first of which is a collaboration with TMT favorites Why Be, Rabit, Chino Amobi, Lexxi, and Total Freedom. An incorporation of styles that’s previously been evident (and which helped make American Drift one of our favorite albums of 2015) should definitely come into play for that release. As she explained to Thump, “My first release will include these friends and work as a sort of quantum-twin to the play/DJ production I’ll be showcasing this year. ‘Dissolution of The Sovereign: A Time Slide Into The Future,’ a spiral that attempts to bridge the oral traditions of a queer andean past/aymara theater legacy with the sonic gestures of a trans femme abolitionist’s notion of futurity—always amidst the cataclysmic, irreducible horizon of coloniality.”
Stay tuned for news re: release dates and such. In the meantime, Crampton will be debuting her new show on February 27 at the Fairchild Chapel in Oberlin, OH. According to the Facebook event page:
Elysia’s debut of her mini pop epic: “Dissolution of The Sovereign: A Timeslide Into The Future,” a story that unfolds as a 45 min dj production and live performance. the narrative follows Aymara revolutionary Bartolina Sisa’s limbs after they were severed, continuing from the perspective of the entrails as they turn into stone, petrified on a time-slide into a distant future where the sun has gone out and trans humanoid arachnids have inherited a world free of the prison industrial complex.
More about: Chino Amobi, E+E, Elysia Crampton, Lexxi, Rabit, Total Freedom, Why Be