Ahhh: motherfuckin’ JUNE. Congratulations, TMT readers, we made it! Summer is pretty much here, along with all its glorious customary trappings: barbecues…pool parties…Ninja Turtles-themed bounce houses…alcohol-fueled midnight Frisbee-golf sessions using cemetery headstones as targets…and of course, that most time-honored activity of all: nude “high tea” without significant others inside our neighbors’ kid’s fiberglass outdoor playhouses while we listen to new, double-CD experimental music collaborations from the stalwart Erstwhile Records label.
Yes sir: THIS. Is. Living. And to aid us in the sacred reenactment of these fundamental rituals this year, Erstwhile just revealed that they’re rolling out a couple of fun-in-the-sun DOOZIES.
First, Graham Lambkin and Taku Unami have combined forces on The Whistler. In no time at all, this album’s sparse, ambient wooshes, whistles, bangs, and clangs will have all of the passersby in our neighborhoods convinced that we’re HARD AT WORK on some wholesome home improvement project (little will they know…we’re really just “hardly workin’!” LOL).
Next, Keith Rowe and Michael Pisaro present us with 140 minutes-worth of gentle guitar strums and soothing, undulating drones on their album 13 Thirteen. Who even NEEDS a trip to the islands when Rowe and Pisaro are sending us aurally out to sea so convincingly?
Lambkin and Unami’s The Whistler, which consists of “material recorded together, then each assembled and mixed their own disc from that,” was released last week and is available now. Rowe and Pisaro’s 13 Thirteen, a “140 minute piece recorded in Nantes in May 2016” which was “partly composed and partly improvised,” is due next week (June 14, to be exact). To hear a few excerpts from each album, head here and here. As I mentioned earlier, both releases are “double CDs,” which should facilitate easy boombox transportation to the fucktons of backyard bonfires we’ll all be attending after the sun goes down on our blissful June days.
The Whistler tracklisting:
Disc 1:
01. Whistler Vanishes In Wind (48:57)
Disc 2:
01. Small Mistakes In Nature (42:23)
13 Thirteen tracklisting:
Disc 1:
01. (1:12:05)
Disc 2:
02. (1:08:05)
More about: Graham Lambkin, Keith Rowe, Michael Pisaro