Picture a 90s alt-pop revival. Then ask yourself why?
Picture two unfathomably good-looking people, a boy and a girl, like a trimmed-down ABBA, and tell yourself they are called Ex Cops. Don’t ask yourself why this time, but let me assure you that neither person was ever part of a police force, as far as I can tell.
Picture Ex Cops wondering what to do after their first album. Now picture them turning to indie oracle Billy Corgan for advice. Imagine that he tells them to go and write unabashed pop songs that he would have done himself back in the 90s if he had the cheekbones that Ex Cops do.
Picture Justin Raisen (producer for Sky Ferreira and Charli XCX) sitting in a studio and hitting record while Ex Cops play. Imagine the neon shimmers and walls of guitars. Sometimes Ariel Pink will wander into the studio; do not be alarmed, he’s a part of this now too.
Now hit play on the widget below and close your eyes. You will hear “Black Soap,” the lead single from Ex Cops’ forthcoming album Daggers. Picture your inhibitions floating away like a balloon in a clear blue sky.
Finally, picture yourself in the not-too-distant future. It is October 28, 2014 and Downtown Records has just released Daggers by Ex Cops. How do you feel about this not-too-distant future?
Are you now ready for a 90s alt-pop revival? If not, return to the top of this page and repeat the steps.
Daggers tracklist:
01. Black Soap
02. White Noise
03. Teenagers
04. Daggers
05. Pretty Shitty
06. Burnt Out Love
07. Modern World
08. Wanna Be (feat. L.P.)
09. Tragically Alright (feat. Ariel Pink)
10. Rooms
11. Weird with You
• Ex Cops: http://excopsmusic.com
• Downtown: http://downtownrecords.com
More about: Ariel Pink, Billy Corgan, Ex Cops