Exclusive Liars and No Age Mashup, Tour

I had a dream that there was an awesome Liars and No Age (pictured) mashup. It came true. This might be the most seamless, yet intricate mashup I've ever heard.

Liars' "What Would They Know" with No Age's "Boy Void" (exclusive Firefox version; sorry IE users):

width="400" height="16" >

quality="high" bgcolor="#E6E6E6" name="xspf_player" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain"
align="center" height="16" width="400">

Pay me whatever you feel like, and you can hear the entire thing.

I also had a dream that Liars and No Age were touring together starting January 2008. It came true again. Now hopefully I'll have a dream where "the monster" will awake from its long slumber, if you know what I mean.


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