NOTICE: in the spirit of unfathomable(ish) generosity, the venerable German experimental ensemble hereby known as Faust shall henceforth parade down the West Coast of the United States forthfrom this October in a golden(ish) chariot(ish) in order to receive whencefrom the socially appropriate sexually arousal and otherwise unadulterated adulation of what shall be, by design, a quite restricted number of very fortunate musical disciples, worshipers, followers, students, believers, adherents, enthusiasts, fans, proselytizers, devotees, zealots, junkies, posers, and peons.
Hencewith, please be advised that the touring line-up shall consist of founding members Jean-Hervé Peron The Great and Powerful and His Holiness Zappi Diermaier, as assisted, enhanced, et. al. by two also-grovel-worthy guest musicians, Geraldine Swayne (who lent his divine talents to last year’s Something Dirty album) and Amaury Cambuzat (who lent his divined talents to 2009’s ‘C’est Com…Com…Complique’). It has been assumed — by virtue of this exceedingly compassionate advance notice — that True Believers in the almighty and everlasting Faust shall forthsuch act accordingly and procure admittance hencefluff to one or more of the following series of chronologically ordered engagements by whatever means necessary.
In other words, line up and kiss the ring, whores.
10.14.12 - Portland, OR - Venue TBA
10.15.12 - Seattle, WA - The Comet Tavern
10.17.12 - Vancouver, BC - The Waldorf Hotel
10.18.12 - Los Angeles, CA - Workshop with The Herb Albert School of Music at the Roy Oliver Disney Hall
10.19.12 - Los Angeles, CA - REDCAT
10.20.12 - Los Angeles, CA - CalArts
• Faust: http://www.bureau-b.com/faust.php
• Bureau B: http://www.bureau-b.com
More about: Faust