Looking for an excuse to call in sick at the ol’ factory and visit your gammy down in America’s wang? Well, if your gammy posts up down near the tip, I’ve got just what the doctor-you’re-gonna-need-a-note-from-in-order-to-get-paid-leave-from-the-factory ordered. You see, those swamp-assed slices of home over at Ad Hoc just announced the first-ever Look Alive Fest in Miami, an event they’re curating alongside Spilt Milk Projects. And even though I’m generally against the verb “curate,” I’ve gotta hand it to them: with a lineup featuring Wolf Eyes, Indian Jewelry, Guardian Alien, Pontiak, and several others (gaze upon the full lineup below), it looks like it’s gonna be a pretty great event to not actually totally explain to your gammy before heading out after dinner. She’ll probably worry about you a little too much if you tell her you’re going to a “noise show.” I mean, I know you’ve got your shit together. You know it, too. Gammy may be a little skeptical, but have you scoped gammy’s tape collection? Shit is lacking.
Anyway, the fest is over two days, December 6 and 7, with each night starting at 8 PM, and… actually, you know what? I’m not even going to insult your gammy here with another joke about her age. She’s a great old bird, and I’ll bet you can guess where I would’ve gone with it anyway (hint: old people get tired easy). The first night is $8, and the second night is $FREE.99 if you RSVP before 10 PM the day of the event. The first 300 humans to RSVP will get priority on getting in before 10 PM; after that it’ll be open to the public. Got it? Cool. Say hi to your gammy for me. She hasn’t been returning my calls.
Friday, December 6 at Churchill
Wolf Eyes
Guardian Alien
Chronic Youth
Rubber O Cement (performance piece)
Cop City/ Chill Pillars
Saturday, December 7 at Gramps
Indian Jewelry
White Mystery
The Wiggins
Nerve City
Lil Daggers
• Look Alive Fest: http://lookalivefest.com
More about: Guardian Alien, Indian Jewelry, Pontiak, Wolf Eyes