It’s that time of year again, when Oklahoma City is flooded with thousands of skeletons all carrying torches and marching down Main Street. That’s right, it’s time for The Flaming Lips’ “March of 1,000 Skeletons,” the annual tradition where the Lips lead a large group of fans, who are all dressed in pre-approved skeleton costumes and carrying flaming torches, through downtown Oklahoma City’s Bricktown district. The event, now in its fourth year, is scheduled for October 23 and is open to any fan over 18 years of age and willing to sign a waiver.
Do you want to march in the parade? Well, just head over to The Flaming Lips’ website and you’ll find everything you need to know about ordering your costume, where to show up, and all the rules and regulations for being a skeleton with a torch.
Be safe this Halloween, friends, and always remember: “Every skeleton will be carrying a torch with real fire. Anyone in the parade must be 18. Anyone in the parade must sign a waiver.”
• The Flaming Lips: http://www.flaminglips.com
[Photo: Bryan Terry]