Given the rapid and uncontrollable mutation of The Flaming Lips’ “batshit gene” in the past two years or so, it was hardly a stretch to imagine that The Flaming Lips would eventually get nuts enough to attempt the ultimate cosmic apogee of weed/skulls evolution: the 24-hour-long song. But what not even Jurassic Park’s Dr. Ian Malcolm could have predicted that, in the process, they would also become super-intelligent enough to make a specific website for it. And not just because he’s not a real person (though, yeah, mostly because of that). But according to Prefix, life once again found a way.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Flaming Lips 24 Hour Song Dot Com. And right now, the only thing that’s on there is a picture of one of those USB gummie skulls (apparently titled “7 Skies H3”?) and a countdown clock to 12 AM CST on Halloween, at which point the stream of the massive party track will begin. As of the time of this writing, you’ve got a little over three days and 11 hours to charge up all of your web-enabled devices, buy a boatload of coffee, and empty your mind of all the extraneous bullshit like work and family and spatial reasoning and motor skills that could interfere with your being accosted for an entire day by what I can only assume is the sound of Stephen Drozd feeding a bale of hay to a hungry baby grand piano on which Michael Ivins is simultaneously playing J.S. Bach’s entire catalog to accompany Wayne Coyne as he speech-sings the entirety of Ulysses through his megaphone to a hungry crowd of disgruntled seniors in a nursing home cafeteria. Or heck, maybe it’s just “U Smile 800% Slower, 8000% slower.” Either way, see you guys in hell in a couple days!
• 24 Hour Song: http://flaminglipstwentyfourhoursong.com
• The Flaming Lips: http://www.flaminglips.com