Flying Lotus releases Eddie Alcazar-directed short film titled FUCKKKYOUUU

Flying Lotus releases Eddie Alcazar-directed short film titled FUCKKKYOUUU

Currently showing at the Sundance Film Festival, the Flying Lotus-scored, Eddie Alcazar-directed FUCKKKYOUUU was released online today with the following synopsis: “With the ability to travel in time, a lonely girl finds love and comfort by connecting with her past self. Eventually faced with rejection she struggles with her identity and gender, and as time folds onto itself only one of them can remain.” An artsy, black-and-white, somewhat impressionistic affair, the short film should fit right in with this year’s Sundance slate, which “has fallen too deep into the art house rabbit hole,” according to distributor attendees not directly quoted by The New York Times.

To wit, the title FUCKKKYOUUU actually provides a fitting follow-up to Lotus’s last long work, You’re Dead!, proving Steven Ellison is clearly still pretty pissed off with this titular “you” character. Anyway, if you enjoy enduring such invective, feel free to stream the short film below.

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