A Frankie Rose by any other name is frankly not quite the same, is it? Ba-dum-bum! So, why not get thee to the West Coast this fall? If you already live there, you’re lucky for bajillions of reasons (burritos! tacos! burritos!) and if not, well, it’s always a good idea to road trip there, or just go there to find yourself, maaaan.
It’s only summer now, so don’t give me the whole “but I’m too broke” trip. You have multiple months to scheme, plot, bank-rob, sell organs on the black market… whatever it takes. Anything for Frankie! Catch up on her last album, Herein Wild, and then get over there!
Frankie Rose tour dates:
11.01.14 - San Diego, CA - Casbah
11.02.14 - Los Angeles, CA - Bootleg
11.04.14 - San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
11.06.14 - Portland, OR - Bunk Bar
11.07.14 - Vancouver, BC - The Fox Cabaret
11.08.14 - Seattle, WA - Barboza
• Frankie Rose: http://www.frankierose.info
• Fat Possum: http://fatpossum.com
More about: Frankie Rose