Did you know that some sources say we are never more than six feet from the nearest frog? This means that all around us are frogs and twice as many frog eyes, all of which are watching us at all times. Just a second ago, when I made that factoid up, I thought to myself, “That would make a great lead for a news post on a Frog Eyes album whenever that happens,” which is a crazy coincidence because not only is there a brand new Frog Eyes album coming out October 7, but I was already working on the news post for it at that exact second! Crazy!
The album is called Carey’s Cold Spring and the band is self-releasing it through their Bandcamp. Mercer says there’s no over-arching theme for Carey’s Cold Spring, though it does bring together the things he’s seen and experienced over the three years he’s been working on it, including the unfortunate death of his father. And though Mercer has been far from lazy — earlier this year he put out Blues Trip (TMT Review) under the Blackout Beach moniker, a re-recorded version of 2011’s Fuck Death (TMT Review) — this is the first Frog Eyes release since 2010’s Paul’s Tomb: A Triumph (TMT Review). If you’re in need of a Frog Eyes fix and can’t wait until the seventh, listen to the album’s closing track below, or maybe check out our interview with Mercer from 2006, a time before the terrible internet font-size inflation wars of the late aughts, a time when fonts were tiny, and our dreams were only limited by our kerning.
Carey’s Cold Spring tracklisting:
01. The Road is Long
02. The Country Child
03. Your Holiday Treat
04. Don’t Give Up Your Dreams
05. A Needle in the Sun
06. Noni’s got a taste for the Bright Red Air Jordans
07. A Duration of Starts and Lines that Form Code
08. Seven Daughters
09. Claxxon’s Lament
• Frog Eyes: http://frogeyesmusic.bandcamp.com
More about: Frog Eyes