As many of you fans may already know, since January of this year, Dan Melchior (Dan Melchior und Das Menace, Dan Melchior’s Broke Revue) has been hard at work in a fight against cancer for his wife, Letha Melchior Rodman (Tretetam, Rub Falls, Das Menace), who was diagnosed with the terrible disease in 2010. The ongoing treatments have taken Rodman out of work, as well as her husband and caretaker. Not to mention, this is the USA, where a couple’s basic insurance does little to cover medical expenses. And now said insurance is to expire on December 1.
A collaboration of supporters, ranging from former record labels on which Melchior has released material to rock magazines to college radio, have set up a Letha Melchior Rodman Cancer Fund, which accepts donations that are directly deposited into a PayPal account for the family as they struggle with expenses and recovery. Dan is also continuing to sell records to raise funds on his Discogs page. Hopefully there will be more benefit shows following the one that took place in January at The Cake Shop.
So please feel inspired to take an opportunity this holiday season to do some direct, actual good instead of blowing your funds on discounted DVD players on Black Friday.
• Letha Melchior Rodman Cancer Fund:
• Dan Melchior: