The FYF Fest (which doesn’t, but should, stand for Finger Your Fury) will be returning to Los Angeles’ Historic State Park on September 4 for its glorious seven-year anniversary. Started and co-booked by 24-year-old Sean Carlson (with help over the last five years from Keith Morrison of Black Flag and Circle Jerks fame), the fest is practically bursting with talent this year, easily making it (as the press release says) “the largest truly independent music festival to take place in Los Angeles.”
The lineup so far for this year’s show is as follows: The Rapture, Panda Bear, !!!, Unbroken, The Mountain Goats, Dead Man’s Bones, Sleep, Ted Leo & The Pharmacists, Man Man, Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, Delorean, Cold Cave, Nick Fury, 7Seconds, Thee Oh Sees, Washed Out, Dum Dum Dugan, Davilla 666, School of Seven Bells, AA Bondy, The Blow, Best Coast, Titus Andronicus, Wavves, The Soft Pack, Abe Vigoda, Warpaint, Off!, Vetiver, Ceremony, Big Freedia, Screaming Females, Magic Kids, The Growlers, Lower Dens, Let’s Wrestle, and Cults.
Tickets are available now, and if you go, don’t forget to Finger Your Fury!
• FYF Fest: http://www.fyffest.com