The savior of stoned college students worldwide, I have to shake my head at the number of hipsters who have never jived to the purity of such George Clinton staples as Electric Spanking of Warbabies, Hardcore Jollies, Testing Positive 4 The Funk, and Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow. There's no feigning ignorance here. Those album titles are stellar, and if you're one who makes albums with stellar titles your business, P Funk should be your P Diddy.
George Clinton and the P Funk All Stars (a veritable army of funk), have been touring for something like five years now, fueled by a drug diet that would put Hunter S. Thompson and The Grateful Dead combined to shame. But no cause for embarrassment -- I understand. At Georgie's golden age of 66, it's hard to stay funky past midnight without a little *sniff sniff* help. That said, the All Stars are geared up and ready to go 24/7/365, and your $70 ticket (which split 30 ways between everyone in the band really doesn't add up to much) helps them to keep going and going and going.
Get down with your bad self: