Stop Instagramming your collection of antique Pepsi cans right now! There’s important news afoot, namely that Glasser has a new album coming out. The electronic pop artist otherwise known as Cameron Mesirow is releasing Interiors, her follow-up t0 2010’s Ring (TMT Review), on October 8 through True Panther Sounds. This time around, the album was produced by Mesirow herself, alongside Van Rivers, producer for the likes of Fever Ray and Blonde Redhead. Listen to the album’s first song, “Shape,” over at Glasser’s website — or below!
If you’d like to hear more of Interiors but only in the form of short snippets, then have I got news for you. Every song on the album is being previewed through the hottest new music platform, Instagram. Oh, you thought Instagram was just some place for you to place old-timey filters over your antique Pepsi pictures? It mostly is, but previews of every track from Interiors have been spread across 12 Instagram accounts. Find them all in an exciting internet scavenger hunt. Or just click here to see them all organized under the #glasserinteriors tag. Hurry, though, before the internet starts attaching that tag to pictures of genitals. And if I’m the first to introduce that idea, I am very, very sorry.
Interiors tracklist:
01. Shape
02. Design
03. Landscape
04. Forge
05. Window I
06. Keam Theme
07. Exposure
08. Dissect
09. Window III
10. Window II
11. New Year
12. The Divide
• Glasser: http://www.glassermusic.com
• True Panther Sounds: http://www.truepanther.com
More about: Glasser