Just coming off an executive production credit for rapper Mykki Blanco’s new mixtape Gay Dog Food, Boston-born producer and comic book artist Gobby has shared a free mix of his own via the UNO NYC label. It’s called Beats by Gobby, and it sounds even more blown out and bassy when paired with Beats by Dre. True to the name, it’s a beat tape that fashions hip-hop from techno, noise, and even a little K-pop. Hyuna, to be more specific. The track titles are also what you’d expect from a Gobby joint, including “Gnargoyle,” “Slasher Bitch,” and “Sort of Big T**s.” Not too sure why he had to bleep the last one out.
Currently, Gobby and Mykki Blanco are on tour together in Poland, Austria, and Russia, keeping strong and eating plenty of borscht. While they’re in that part of the world, they also hope to reenact the montage where Rocky Balboa climbs up an absurdly tall mountain in Siberia. For those who are too far from Russia to do the same, you can listen to “Erk” below, or just download Beats by Gobby here and relive the montage of your dreams.
Beats by Gobby tracklist:
01. Psyk
02. Erk
03. Advice Column
04. Sortof Big T**s
05. Hyuna
06. Bickyround
07. China Jones
08. Softsilicone
09. Mon Tempy
10. Slasher Bitch
11. Tonedef
12. Immortality
13. Ginger Bounce
14. Demmen Flage
15. Greenhat Chill
16. My2weeks
17. White Camo
18. Gnargoyle
19. Correction Pen
20. Quickie
• Gobby: http://www.gobbygobby.com
• UNO NYC: http://unonyc.bigcartel.com
More about: Gobby