Google looks to launch music streaming service, say various sources and unimpressive fortune tellers

Google looks to launch music streaming service, say various sources and unimpressive fortune tellers

Pandora can’t catch a break. In the company’s struggle to achieve long-term viability (despite its popularity among the general public), they could certainly do without competition from a powerful California-based multinational corporation known for offering free services and having cool interactive logos whenever a special day rolls around — Robert Moog’s birthday, for instance.

I could be talking about Apple, since rumors of them starting their own music streaming service arose last October, but then we’d all have to engage in some hearty laughter at the idea of them making a habit of offering things for free. No, as you’ve probably gleaned from the title of this article, the rumors this time surround Google. The Financial Times reports (reportedly, because you may have to purchase a subscription in order to view their article on the subject; ain’t nobody got time for that) that the search engine turned search-engine-and-technological-overlord has plans to enter the music streaming business.

Details are completely lacking, but the rumor itself and its presumable coming-to-fruition could’ve been predicted. Google, as the owners of YouTube, already have a stranglehold on the video streaming industry, and the company’s music side has evolved quite a bit, with Google Play, home to more than 13 million downloadable tracks, as well as your cloud music locker, really getting going over the last couple of years.

This news should rightfully concern the folks over at Pandora and Spotify, but as a regular ol’ music fan, I have to say, I’m looking forward to seeing what develops.

• Google:

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