Andrew Cuomo is such a cool governor! Well, I mean, I don’t actually know the guy. I don’t live in New York and the timeline of my knowledge of the guy goes as such: “New York governor” search —> “Andrew Cuomo” Wikipedia page —> now. What I do know for a fact, though, is that when he has a ball, it’s a pretty alright ball. On June 23 and 24, the second-annual Governor’s Ball Festival will take place in the largest city in New York: New York City!
While most lame-o governors would have gotten some old lame-o crooners like Tony Bennett (yuck gross), Andrew Cuomo is a cool guv, so he’s got quite the lineup planned: Beck, Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, Passion Pit, Cults, Devendra Banhart, Duck Sauce, Explosions in the Sky, and some other folks. Two names in particular stand out. First is something called Special Disco Version, which apparently consists of James Murphy and Pat Mahoney. That’s probably cool governor code for “DJ Set,” though. The second is the block of question marks on the festival’s second day. Which, I suppose, isn’t actually a name, but still, intrigue! The full lineup can be found at the Governor’s Ball website. If you really want more info, you can write Cuomo yourself, though he’ll probably just respond with a swear-filled tirade about how he has nothing to do with this festival and please stop writing him, you dumb internet writer.
• Governor’s Ball: http://governorsballmusicfestival.com