One vocalist (Gucci Mane), plus one pianist (Zaytoven), plus one incredibly hyped TMT writer (yooooooo!), plus one magical NYC night fueled by energy drink, plus one (and the same) incredibly hyped TMT writer struggling to strike the balance between complete ecstasy and complete coronary failure, plus one-million-plus YouTubers streaming the whole thing live tonight (May 16) at 9 p.m. ET = one sentence that came out terribly wrong (or just right?! [yooooooooooooooooo!]).
“For one evening only, the rapper-producer duo will deliver throwback piano bar renditions of some of their most famous tunes,” says the YouTube description. Here comes an official request for the not-so-famous but piano-rendition-ready “Decapitated,” a personal favorite.
This sold-out event will also be covered as part of TMT’s upcoming Red Bull Music Academy Festival feature. But if the show plays-out anywhere near as amazing as predicted above by one incredibly-hyped TMT writer (or even anywhere near as amazing as last year’s NPR Tiny Desk concert, which you can watch down below in preparation), said-coverage may consist of random key strokes. So, maybe play it safe and stream the show here.
More about: Gucci Mane, Zaytoven