Welcome home, TMT reader! I missed your face! How’s your day been? Can I fix you some peanuts and Southern Comfort as a snack? Here, why don’t you just put your feet up while I tell you a little bit about my day?
This morning, I was just going about my usual routing of scouring the bathtub, listening to the bluebirds whistle a happy tune, and reminiscing about that one time when TMT reported that Guts Club (a.k.a. the crispy, crunchy, country-fried swamp-folk project helmed by New Orleans mainstay Linsdey Baker) was releasing her third album Trench Foot on July 6…when I suddenly realized: “HOLY HECK, That’s THIS FRIDAY!”
So I dropped what I was doing, peeled off my rubber gloves, plugged in the dial-up internet, and fired up the trusty old Gateway so I could revisit the Tiny Mix Tapes website to see if there was any NEW NEWS regarding Guts Club’s new album… And GUESS WHAT!?
It turns out that Baker has announced a short run of US tour dates for this summer — and that she was EXCLUSIVELY STREAMING THE WHOLE ALBUM until July 6 on Tiny Mix Tapes!!
I couldn’t believe it! I excitedly headed here to pre-order us both a copy of Trench Foot on cassette, carefully perused the list of tour dates at the bottom of the news post, fixed myself a nice cup of roasted chicory, and then settled in and hit “play” on Baker’s latest 10-song smorgasbord.
Why don’t you check out the album trailer and have a listen for yourself while I get dinner started? How does a nice hearty bowl of crawfish tails served over fresh pappardelle sound?
Guts Club US tour:
07.06.18 - New Orleans, LA - Banks St. Bar (Album release show)
08.09.18 - Memphis, TN - The Lamplighter Lounge
08.10.18 - Nashville, TN - Little Harpeth Brewing (w/ India Ramey)
08.11.18 - Columbus, OH - The Tree Bar
08.12.18 - Pittsburgh, PA - TBA
08.13.18 - Philadelphia, PA - TBA
08.14.18 - Brooklyn, NY - Wonders of Nature (w/Clint Michigan and Jennifer O’Connor)
08.15.18 - Baltimore, MD - The Crown
08.16.18 - Charlottesville, VA - The Southern
08.17.18 - Asheville, NC - The Burger Bar
08.18.18 - Athens, GA - Flicker Bar
More about: Guts Club