Lush arrangements and production. Evocative, sensual performances. Fascinating lyric plots laced with subtle humor. Man, it’s good to have Tindersticks back! While you were sleeping, the masters of simmering melodrama softly ambled back onto the scene hellbent on tearing your heart in two (dozen!) with tales of brutal betrayal and bittersweet love. Their newest disc ‘n’ download, Falling Down a Mountain, is coming February 16 via Constellation (January 25 in Europe on 4AD) and features a caterwauling vocal performance by Mary Margaret O’Hara (the much-lauded 1988 Miss America album, Morrissey’s “November Spawned a Monster”).
01. Falling Down a Mountain
02. Keep You Beautiful
03. Harmony Around My Table
04. Peanuts
05. She Rode Me Down
06. Hubbards Hills
07. Black Smoke
08. No Place So Alone
09. Factory Girls
10. Piano Music
Compelling on record, devastating live. That’s the Tindersticks way. We cannot aver with certainty that North American dates are due, but it’s a good bet that occidentals will be able to see Stuart Staples and company in their ‘hood sometime in 2010. European tindersticklers (eh, it’s a nickname in progress…) can see their heroes starting at the beginning of February.
02.03.10 - Caldes da Rainha, Portugal - Centro Cultural e de Congressos das Caldas da Rainha
02.04.10 - Guimaraes, Portugal - Centro Cultural Vila Flor
02.05.10 - Sintra, Portugal - Centro Clutural Olga Cadaval
02.06.10 - Guarda, Portugal - Teatro Municipal da Guarda
02.07.10 - Estarreja, Portugal - Cine Teatro de Estarreja
02.28.10 - Dusseldorf, Germany - Zakk
03.01.10 - Frankfurt, Germany - Mousonturm
03.02.10 - Berlin, Germany - Postbahnhof
03.03.10 - The Hague, Netherlands - Trojan Horse
03.04.10 - Utrecht, Netherlands - MCV
03.05.10 - Eindhoven, Netherlands - Effenaar
03.07.10 - Hamburg, Germany - Ubel & Gefaerhrlich
03.08.10 - Malmo, Sweden - KB
03.09.10 - Gothenburg, Sweden - Tradgarn
03.10.10 - Aarhus, Denmark - Vox Hall
03.11.10 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Vega
03.12.10 - Helsinki, Finland - Tavastia
03.14.10 - Stockholm, Sweden - Debaser Medis
03.15.10 - Oslo, Norway - Rockefeller
05.03.10 - Paris, France - Le Bataclan
05.04.10 - Lausanne, Switzerland - Les Docks
05.05.10 - Zurich, Switzerland - Kaufleuten
05.10.10 - Graz, Austria - Orpheum
05.12.10 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso
[Photo: Maccosta]
• Tindersticks: http://www.tindersticks.co.uk
• Constellation: http://cstrecords.com