A year after Some Days Are Better Than Others premiered at SXSW, Eluvium’s Matthew Cooper has finally given a date for the release of his original soundtrack to the film.
In 2009, Cooper joined forces with filmmaker Matt McCormick and composed the score for McCormick’s feature Some Days Are Better Than Others. SXSW screened the film in 2010, which apparently touches on themes like the quarter-life crisis and a shaken sense of identity, and like many musician-connected films it highlights a score that can stand on its own. Its producers, David Allen Cress and Neil Kopp, should come as no surprise; both are best known for their music-movie connections, with Kopp producing Old Joy (featuring Will Oldham a.k.a. Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, with original music by Yo La Tengo) and Cress producing music videos for Thom Yorke and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Some Days Are Better Than Others is even more entrenched in indie-music-madness than by its connection with Eluvium &mdash it stars The Shins’ James Mercer and Carrie Brownstein from Sleater-Kinney. The trailer gives just a hint of the beautiful music that we can expect from Cooper, while fully managing to depress the viewer in the span of a minute and a half. If you’ve ever left a friend behind to go to college out of state, or broke up with someone you still liked, or lost a dog, then you get the idea. To fully encapsulate the essence behind “emotional baggage” and the things we throw away, Cooper used his personal collection of junked musical instruments, found over the years through thrifting and endless garage sales.
The soundtrack is out April 26, from Temporary Residence Ltd. The next question is: what will Cooper feel inspired to do if he sees the CD in the media rack at the Salvation Army?
Some Days Are Better Than Others OST tracklisting:
01. Curious Moments
02. Drifting
03. Pursuance
04. Into Dust
05. Expectation
06. What You Leave Behind
07. Reprieve
08. Worry and Care
09. Time and Abandonment
10. It’s Never What It Seems
11. Camille and the Ocean
12. Some Days Are Better Than Others
13. Katrina Outtake
• Eluvium: http://www.eluvium.net
• Some Days Are Better Than Others: http://www.somedaysthemovie.com