Things that may or may not be included in the “Deluxe Edition” of Beck’s Odelay out January 29 on Geffen:
The original classic album.
A mustache comb.
Two compact discs.
One of those wind-up plastic toy nuns that shoots sparks from her mouth. Nunzilla? This thing.
Two unreleased tracks produced by the Dust Brothers from the original Odelay sessions, “Inferno” and “Gold Chains.”
Your dignity, returned after losing it at the Xmas office party in the supplies closet with “Steve, from accounting.”
International-only B-Sides “Clock,” “Electric Music and the Summer People,” “Lemonade,” “SA-5,” “Feather In Your Cap,” “Erase the Sun,” “000.000,” “Brother,” “Trouble All My Days,” and “Strange Invitation.”
A signed promo pic of actress Greta Scacchi. Whatever happened to her anyway?
“Deadweight,” from the film A Life Less Ordinary.
A Crystal Light single-serving packet (pink lemonade flava).
“Richard’s Hairpiece” and “American Wasteland” (remixes of “Devil’s Haircut” by Aphex Twin and Mickey P., respectively).
A Crystal Waters “Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless}” cassingle (that’s the one that goes “la-da-dee, la-da-da”).
A cover of Skip James’ “Devil Got My Woman” recorded at the original Sun Studios.
A “2008 Already Sucks” button.
“Burro,” a Spanish version of “Jackass” recorded with a mariachi band.
A pair of socks. Argyle socks (favorites of dapper TMT scribe Chris Gaerig!).
The U.N.K.L.E. remix of “Where It’s At.”
A dried pickle. Gherkin, not dill.
“Thunder Peel,” co-produced by Mario Caldato Jr.
A jewel case. Or a soft pack cover. Or a jewel cased boxed in a cardboard sleeve. Or something wrapped in cellophane. With a stupid inventory sticker on the top of it. Whatever the outer package, be prepared to spend two beers, two Advils, and two hours opening the thing.
That is all.