[Scene: Kids are eating cereal at kitchen table. Dad enters.]
Dad: What the hell are you kids doing?
Son: We're just eating Apple Jacks dad.
Dad: What? What the hell are Apple Jacks?
Son's friend: They are like cheerios, but more colorful and festive.
Dad: What? A gay cheerio? Give me a bite, you little pissers.
Son: They're good, huh?
Dad: What? No, they don't taste like goddamn apples.
Son: Parents just don't get it!
Dad: And what the hee-haw is this jibber jabberin you dillweeds are listening to on the radio?
[The Dad walks over to the stereo on the kitchen counter, and violently knocks it onto the floor.]
Son: Dad! That was The Apples in Stereo. They're flip floppin' awesome. And they're going on tour to promote their latest masterpiece New Magnetic Wonder due in stores February 6, 2007. You may remember seeing lead singer Rob Schneider play the theme to The Colbert Report on the show back in December.
Dad: What? They don't sound like apples!
Son: Ha! See parents just don't get it.
[The Dad angrily grabs his son's arm, and then he stabs his son's friend in the chest.]
Son: Dad, you're hurting me. And you smell like whiskey and the dog's butt.
Dad: Where's your mom? YOU TELL ME NOW!
Son: She's still in the basement.