Holy Gefilte Fish! Yo La Tengo Schedule Another Series of Hanukkah Shows This December

It’s that time of year again, my fellow Jews and Yo La Tengo fans! The trio has decided to schedule another round of Hanukkah shows, taking place December 21-28 at Maxwell’s in New Jersey. Tickets are $30 each and on sale now. Each show will begin at 9 PM on Friday and Saturday and at 8:30 PM every other night.

Yo La Tengo say there will be opening bands for each show, but just like last year, they’re implementing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy because: “We won't know until the last minute, but -- we cannot tell a lie -- also because we're ornery that way.” Fortunately, Yo La Tengo are providing some exciting details:

There is one thing we can tell you. The Feelies will not be playing with us during Hanukkah, scout's honor. But we will be doing a gala New Year's Eve show with the Feelies and Vivian Girls at the Wellmont Theater in Montclair NJ, home of Stephen Colbert and Don Fleming. Tickets will be $35, or a mere $115 less than it costs to see Steely Dan. (To be fair, if you're paying per chord, Steely Dan is priced competitively.).

If that’s not a good reason to buy a ticket to see Yo La Tengo, then I don’t know what is.

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