Balderdash! Gobbledygook! Bollocks! Rubbish! Horse Feathers! It’s a nonsensical world out there, and you should really start mixing these into your vocabulary, but that’s neither here nor there. What is here, or what’s about to be here in a matter of months, is Horse Feathers’ fourth album, titled Cynic’s New Year.
The Portland, Oregon-based band led by Justin Ringle eagerly went back into the studio following the release of 2010’s Thistled Spring (TMT Review), and in addition to violins courtesy of regular collaborator Nathan Crockett, they’ll be bringing a whole bunch of new instruments and musicians into the mix. Eleven newbs had the pleasure of ensuring that this release will be as swell as past HF output, so this time around look forward to some French horn, piano, upright bass, banjo, and bells. Who doesn’t love a good little tinkling of a bell every now and again? Sounds like the stuff that beautiful lullabies are made of. And that ain’t no stuff and nonsense! Look for the upcoming Horse Feathers release on April 17 via Kill Rock Stars.
Cynic’s New Year tracklist:
01. A Heart Arcane
02. Last Waltz
03. Pacific Bray
04. So Long
05. Where I’ll Be
06. Nearly Old Friends
07. Fit Against the Country
08. Better Company
09. Bird on a Leash
10. Fire to Fields
11. Elegy for Quitters
12. Summer for Capricorns
Aaaaaaand, the band just announced a shitload of spring tourdates! Enjoy:
03.16.12 - Austin, TX - SXSW (Central Presbyterian Church)
03.17.12 - Austin, TX - SXSW (Terrorbird Day Party)
04.13.12 - Eugene, OR - Sam Bond’s Garage
04.14.12 - Salem, OR - Grand Theater
04.15.12 - Spokane, WA - Red Room
04.17.12 - Pullman, WA - Tower Theater
04.18.12 - Bellingham, WA - Shakedown
04.19.12 - Vancouver, BC - Biltmore
04.20.12 - Seattle, WA - The Barboza
04.21.12 - Portland, OR - Aladdin Theater (CD release show)
04.24.12 - Minneapolis, MN - 7th St. Entry
04.25.12 - Madison, WI - High Saloon
04.26.12 - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Hall
04.27.12 - Ann Arbor, MI - The Ark
04.28.12 - Grand Rapids, MI - Founder’s Brewery
04.29.12 - Toronto, ON - Horsehoe
05.01.12 - Ottawa, ON - Maverick’s
05.02.12 - Montreal, QC - Il Motore
05.03.12 - Burlington, VT - Higher Ground
05.04.12 - Northhampton, MA - Iron Horse
05.05.12 - Boston, MA - Brighton Music Hall
05.06.12 - Providence, RI - The Met
06.07.12 - New Haven, CT - Cafe Nine
06.09.12 - New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
05.10.12 - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda’s
05.11.12 - Washington, DC - Black Ct
05.12.12 - Charlottesville, VA - The Southern
05.15.12 - Chapel Hill, NC - Local 506
05.16.12 - Asheville, NC - Grey Eagle
05.17.12 - Atlanta, GA - The Early
05.18.12 - Nashville, TN - The Basement
05.19.12 - Lexington, KY - Cosmic Charlie’s
05.20.12 - Nelsonville, OH - Nelsonville Music Festival
05.22.12 - North Manchester, IN - The Firehouse
05.23.12 - Bloomington, IN - The Bishop
05.24.12 - St. Louis, MO - Firebird
05.26.12 - Denver, CO - Bluebird Theater
05.27.12 - Albuquerque, NM - Low Spirits
05.28.12 - Phoenix, AZ - Crescent Ballroom
05.30.12 - San Diego, CA - The Casbah
05.31.12 - Los Angeles, CA - Echo
06.01.12 - Santa Cruz, CA - The Crepe Place
06.02.12 - San Francisco, CA - The Independent
06.03.12 - Chico, CA - Origami Lounge
• Horse Feathers: http://horsefeatherstheband.com
• Kill Rock Stars: http://killrockstars.com