Going to one more show can't hurt, right? And while Vampire Weekend are decidedly not "punk rock," that doesn't mean that the track "A-Punk" off their self-released blue CD-R doesn't, for lack of a better word, kick ass (excuse me, but we can't all go to Columbia). With the sound of kids who used to listen to The Clash before they fell in love with Pavement, Vampire Weekend are well-annunciated, saccharine indie-pop with Ivy League precision, and they hands-down play my all-time favorite song about punctuation (as a writer, I have many). They've also succeeded in rhyming "Louis Vuitton" with "reggaeton" better than most bands I've been hearing lately.
Look for the oh-so-East-Coast's first full-length release by XL Recordings in January 2008.
But for now -- a tour.
* Celebration
# Mount Eerie
$ Grand Ole Party
% Grand Ole Party
! Friends of John (A benefit concert for the John Ryan Pike Memorial Foundation.)