Ian Crause (ex-Disco Inferno) is making music again; sadly, no, it’s still not disco

Ian Crause (ex-Disco Inferno) is making music again; sadly, no, it's still not disco

Ian Crause (remember that guy Melody Maker thought was God there for a few years?) is a painfully silent stoic. Hell, he hasn’t said much since 2001. Well, as of roughly a week ago, the mastermind behind Disco Inferno’s sorrow-as-beatific-vision sound has five new tracks up on Bandcamp. Complex, chaotic, political, lofty, sampledelic, and as restless as ever, Crause still seems hell-bent on warping our pop climate, and thank God him for that. Fans are sure to find plenty here to keep them up at night: invisible loops and poli-sci soap-boxing stripe blocks of machine music refracted through space dust. As expected, it’s proper pretty stuff.

Listen to a track below, and stream the rest on Crause’s Bandcamp page. Or, for roughly the same price as a can of soda ($1 each) you can own them yourself; one thing I can guarantee is that they will sound better than having a rumpled aluminum can plugged into your headphones… probably.

• Ian Crause: http://iancrause.bandcamp.com

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