It's that time of the year again. Time for all those people with better ideas and cooler names than you to descend upon The Arches in Glasgow for a weekend of free jazz, restricted noise, and comfortably snug experimentation. Last year's Instal Festival brought the likes of Sun City Girls, Birchville Cat Motel, and spotlight-hog Jandek under one roof; and this year's line-up looks comparably juicy. Avant-garde acts from all over the world have been chosen to perform, and in many cases they'll be collaborating with one another on stage. Interesting pairings like Keiji Haino and Tony Conrad are the name of this year's game.
In addition to the main stage festivities, on Friday and Saturday night there will be a special Incest Infest Stage highlighting emerging underground musical artists specifically from Scotland and the rest of the UK. Notable playas on this stage include Birds of Delay (because I've seen them once) and Kylie Minoise (because LOL). For the small number of TMT readers that are not based in Glasgow, Instal will kindly be providing free downloads of all the performances on their web site.
Main Stage:
Friday, 10.13.06:
Blood Stereo + Ludo Mich
Ellen Fullman + Sean Meehan
Nmperign (pictured) + Jason Lescalleet
Oshiri Penpenz
Saturday, 10.14.06:
Lee Patterson
Steve Baczkowski + Ravi Padmanabha
Keiji Haino + Tony Conrad
The Bohman Brothers
Sunday, 10.15.06:
Tetsuya Umeda
Arrington de Dionyso
Kuwayama + Kijima
Eye Contact
Maryanne Amacher
Infest Stage:
Friday, 10.13.06:
Polly Shang Kuan Band
Wounded Knee
Kylie Minoise
NOMA + Shareholder
Saturday, 10.14.06:
Red Kites
Birds of Delay + Nackt Insecten
Ben Reynolds
Picture: Seth Tisue