Just in time for the upcoming May 21 premiere of the brand-new season of Twin Peaks (a.k.a. the ORIGINAL “Show-About-Nothing”) on Showtime — not to mention pretty insanely hot-on-the-heels of the recent vinyl reissues of the OST’s for both Fire Walk With Me AND Twin Peaks that came out at the end of last year via Death Waltz — the hardworking dads over at good ol’ Rhino have just announced that they too will be releasing vinyl editions of both of those bizarre, beloved, Angelo Badalamenti-composed soundtrack albums.
Unlike those previous reissues, which featured snazzy new packaging designs and were US-only, the Rhino ones are aimed at the much classier “UK market” and restore the original artwork. They’re out on Friday, May 19 — which gives you exactly forty-eight hours to listen-to, digest, re-listen-to, ponder, prominently-display, and nonchalantly assimilate each soundtrack into your pop-cultural worldview before season three of the show starts up again. So, you might want to go ahead and order them now to maximize your assimilation time…otherwise, you might not appreciate the delicious and relevant hilarity of this video clip on as many levels as I do:

More about: Angelo Badalamenti, David Lynch