Jónsi cancels in-store appearances… I guess you won’t be so close you can count his pores after all

Jónsi cancels in-store appearances... I guess you won't be so close you can count his pores after all

A few weeks ago, I told you about Jónsi’s upcoming “Go Closer” tour, a series of in-store appearances scheduled to coincide with his regular US tour. Unfortunately, Jónsi and his management have gone ahead and canceled the entire “Go Closer” portion of the tour, after the first date in Los Angeles on October 17 didn’t live up to Jónsi’s expectations, per se. Read on for a more thorough explanation from Jónsi’s managers:

“It is with regret that we announce the immediate cancellation of Jonsi’s series of acoustic performances at indie record stores under the banner ‘Go Closer’, scheduled to take place during his current US tour. We, the management, are going to take the blame here, since it was us who thought this was a great opportunity to counterpoint the weight and scale of production at his theatrical shows with something super low-key and intimate. We talked him into it. And we stand by the fact that it is a great idea… on paper. Jonsi himself, however, was always sceptical about how in would pan out in reality. And standing there nose-to-nose with fans in the cold light of day the other day in Origami Records, Los Angeles, he had the sudden and undeniable realisation that this is not the environment in which he flourishes. Arguably it was the most uncomfortable experience of his ten years in the public eye, and as a result we are unwilling to put him in the line of fire again. To those of you who saw it in Echo Park, cherish it, because it ain’t going to happen again. To those people who were looking forward to *going closer* in Salt Lake City, Austin, Asheville, Atlanta and Chicago we can only say we are sorry, and ask for your understanding and forgiveness. And remember it’s not Jonsi’s fault. - John Best & Dean O’Connor”

Canceled dates:

10.22.10 - Salt Lake City, UT - Slowtrain
10.26.10 - Austin, TX - End of an Ear
10.30.10 - Asheville, NC - Harvest Records
10.31.10 - Atlanta, GA - Criminal Records
11.03.10 - Chicago, IL - Reckless Records

• Jónsi: http://www.jonsi.com

[Photo: Daniel Boud]

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