A tribute compilation for Jack Rose has been released through FINA, Thrill Jockey’s digital store, and is available for download now. The underground music community was devastated to hear of Rose’s death (TMT report) last December, and it shows in the outpouring of music to this collection — in total, the album runs for over six hours. Contributors to the collection include MV/EE, Six Organs of Admittance, Elisa and Pete of the Magik Markers, Bill Nace, Bardo Pond, and the No Neck Blues Band. All proceeds from sales of Honest Strings: A Tribute to the Life and Work of Jack Rose will go towards Rose’s estate.
Thrill Jockey also released Rose’s final recorded album Luck in the Valley (TMT Review) this year. One of the best records of 2010, too. We’ll miss you Jack.
• Jack Rose: http://www.myspace.com/jackrosekensington
• Thrill Jockey: http://www.thrilljockey.com