Tompkins Square, everyone’s favorite purveyor of folk music old and new, was all set to release a new studio album by their prodigal son, James Blackshaw, but then the kid went and screwed it all up. Something about oversleeping, getting in a fight with his girlfriend maybe, you know, excuses, excuses. Typical Blackshaw. The point is, he didn’t book studio time like he was supposed to even though Tompkins Square told him, like, five times.
But the little rapscallion lucked out this time, because French musician Yann Tiersen invited him to Paris to perform a live score of the film Le Faux Magistrat, the fifth and final installment in Louis Feuillade’s Fantômas silent film series, as part of a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the series. Since he didn’t have any ideas planned for the album anyway because he’s really just got a lot on his plate right now, this was the perfect opportunity. Close call there, Blackshaw.
So, on July 8 Tompkins Square will release Fantômas: Le Faux Magistrat. Recorded live at the Théâtre de Châtelet in October, the performance features Duane Pitre, Simon Scott (of Slowdive), and Charlotte Glasson performing with Blackshaw on his noirish score. He claims that he drew on the works of French impressionist composers, Brazilian guitar music, and musique concrète among other things in writing his score, but let’s be real, with his track record he probably just threw it together the night before.
I’ve got to admit though, he always cleans up really, really well. I guess you got away with it again, Blackshaw.
• James Blackshaw: http://jamesblackshaw.tumblr.com
• Tompkins Square: http://www.tompkinssquare.com
More about: James Blackshaw