I know what you’re thinking: The 12-string wunderkind known to the world as James Blackshaw has decided to spellbind us again with his ninth album of sedating composition and tear-inducing finger-plucked symphonies. Except this time, perhaps not. I’m going to assume that if you’re taking the time to read this, you have somewhat of an interest in Blackshaw and are probably familiar with his back catalog. Assuming this, I’m sure you’re aware that he hasn’t laid his hands on an electric guitar, well, ever, as far as his recordings are concerned.
But it appears that this has all changed now. On his newest release All is Falling, Blackshaw has decided to embrace the 12-string electric guitar as his wand of choice. While this might sound like a huge departure (which it very well may be), the album, which is comprised of eight pieces, will still include Blackshaw’s signature backing multi-instrumental orchestration comprised of piano, glockenspiel, violin, etc. Some of you might be comforted by this fact, while others might find a sliver of excitement from the fact that Blackshaw has recently been influenced by the post no-wave maximalist guitar composers such as Glenn Branca and Rhys Chatham. Interesting for sure.
Expect this one on August 24 via Young God.
• James Blackshaw: http://www.myspace.com/jamesblackshaw
• Young God: http://www.younggodrecords.com