James Ferraro, the crazed mastermind behind the Tiny Mix Tapes-praised Far Side Virtual (TMT Review), has made a movie called Rapture Adrenaline. It is 94 minutes long. FACT reports that it is now out on DVD, albeit in a limited quantity of 500 copies. And, though they do not come out and simply say it, they also report that it is the greatest movie ever made. Let’s go to the bullet points:
• Sleazy television station called Hell-TV.
• Sleazy television station called Hell-TV that is run by someone named Acid Eagle.
• A character named Professor Pizza who may or may not be the same person as Acid Eagle, because the description is very confusing.
• Brutally murdered police officer reborn as super-human cyborg.
• Rochester.
• Driver taken hostage by seatbelt.
• A robot that becomes smarter and more dangerous and puts a boy and his friends in danger.
And more. The movie came out on VHS last year and everyone who watched it is now dead, not because they killed themselves, but because their bodies simply didn’t see the point of living after watching it. In the present moment, you can buy the DVD here. Do so only if you possess no fear of your body snuffing out its own flame of life.
Meanwhile, Ferraro has some UK/Europe dates:
02.01.12 - London, UK - The Dome
02.02.12 - Berlin, Germany - Transmediale (talk)
02.03.12 - Berlin, Germany - Transmediale (show)
02.04.12 - Milan, Italy - O’Artoteca
02.05.12 - Geneva, Switzerland - Ecurie de L’Ilot
02.07.12 - Nantes, France - Stakhanov
02.08.12 - Brussels, Belgium - Les Ateliers Claus
02.09.12 - Lisbon, Portugal - Kolovrat 79
02.10.12 - Guimaracs, Portugal - Centro Cultural Vila Flor
02.11.12 - Paris, France - Barofar
• James Ferraro: http://soundcloud.com/digital_skin
• Hundebiss: http://hundebissrecords.bigcartel.com