Thank the alphabet lords for zed; otherwise, I would have had nary a clue as to James Ginzburg’s electronic preoccupations as one half of the sonically challenging Emptyset, and one whole of the founder of Bristol-based music publisher Multiverse Music, which has overseen releases from Tectonic, Kapsize, and presently, Subtext. See, ignoring the bundled press release’s mentioning of all of this, ‘z’ radiates a certain edginess (just look at those sharp corners!), whereas ‘s’, particularly in the less-assaulting “Ginsburg,” just makes me think of hippies and meadow-frolicking. Allen, what a profound effect you’ve had on the world! In other words, absent the buzzing sound, the presumption would’ve been of only Faint Wild Light, Ginzburg’s folksy undertaking, which has just recently seen its official emergence.
Just released on Digitalis, the self-titled debut album from Faint Wild Light has… lyrics. It also, giving credence to the SoundCloud classification, seems to be a genuine foray into folk, with a few strays here and there. Thoughts of Benoît Pioulard enter the contemporary mind, while those harkening back may notice a vocal style similar to Simon & Garfunkel. There’s no need to remark and mislead on the supposed rarity of electronic musicians waxing acoustic or finding their voice, so to speak, these days. Examples compile somewhat regularly, but who knows if there’s a common motivation. Let’s say cats. Here’s where you can purchase the album.
Faint Wild Light tracklisting:
01. Debris
02. Echo
03. Firmament
04. Halfsleep
05. Speak, Memory
06. Shattered Stars
07. Squares Become Lines
08. Darker
09. Fallow
• James Ginzburg: https://www.facebook.com/james.ginzburg
• Digitalis: http://www.digitalisindustries.com/music
More about: Faint Wild Light, James Ginzburg