I’ve you’ve ever wondered how it’s possible that we here at Tiny Mix Tapes are always 100% on top of every little piece of music news on the planet within hours, it’s because in addition to a few dozen human staff writers, we’ve also got 1,000 trained African Green Monkeys working 19-hour days literally READING THE INTERNET. Don’t believe me? Check this out: one of ‘em just came across an interview that Jason Lytle (Grandaddy, Admiral Radley) gave the other day in an Australian magazine called Rave in which he reveals the details of his upcoming solo album. Now, I ask you honestly, who else but 1,000 monkeys working at 1,000 (Packard Bell) computers (running Prodigy dial-up internet on Windows 3.1) could have dug this up so quickly? Oh, fine, maybe 130 Beats Per Minute. But hey, they’re probably using monkeys to do it too!
Either way, according to the monkeys’ shorthand, Lytle’s new album will be his first solo record since 2009’s furry, prehensile romp, Yours Truly, The Commuter (TMT Review), and will most likely “sound bananas.” It’s titled Department of Disappearance, will contain 11 tracks and around 50 minutes of music, and is set to be released around July or August on either CD, digital, or ballistic wads of feces.
But why the long-ish wait between releases? Let’s go to the monkey notes. “The fact that I [don’t have any children to groom] means that I can record at my own pace,” Lytle told Rave. “I tend to get really bored really quick, and over the years I’ve realized that one of my strengths is approaching things in a really fresh manner – almost like a [hyper-sexual, auto-erotic monkey] would. [When they’re not busy smoking cigars and roller skating, monkeys] play for a while, then they’re over it, they’re done, move onto something else. It’s a lot more enjoyable for me to record like that [than it is to work for 19 hours a day for dog food]. I think that’s why it’s taken me a couple of years to make this record.” Huh. You know, that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? Well, you can read the real interview here. In the meantime, I think we’d better stop working our staff so hard.
• Jason Lytle: http://jasonlytle.com
• ANTI-: http://www.anti.com