Oh my! Jens Lekman, creator of the highly lauded album Night Falls Over Kortedala, is set to go on tour throughout the United States. Check it out: even good ol' TMT writer Canino praised the album! So what's up with all this acclaim? Perhaps it's because Jens Lekman is going on tour just to bolster support for his disgust with shy, bashful types?? Yes, you read that right! Jens Lekman has an aversion to shy people! Just check out the lyrics to "It Was a Strange Time in My Life":
People seem to think a shy personality equals gifted
But if they would get to know one I'm sure that idea would have shifted
Most shy people I know are extremely boring
Either that or they are miserable from all the shit they've been storing.
As we all know, lyrics are always autobiographical and should be taken as true to heart. So, let us all voice our disapproval for those annoying shy friends of ours and catch Lekman shy-hatin' at one of the several tourdates across the great and wonderful United States. Yay!
# Throw Me The Statue
$ Solo Dates