Last week, we reported that Jim O’Rourke will not only be curating ATP’s I’ll Be Your Mirror festival in Japan, but that he’ll also be performing in it. Hold onto your hats, stop the presses and all that jazz, because according to FACT, O’Rourke will be joined by a 12-piece band to play his 1999 album Eureka on the second day of the festival. TMT loves O’Rourke and this album with such passion that we named our whole favorite new albums section after it.
Other confirmed additions to the lineup include The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Codeine, Factory Floor, Nisennenmondai, Michael Rother, The Necks, and Borbetomagus, along with many more still to be confirmed. I’ll Be Your Mirror Japan will take place April 14-15 in Studio Coast, Tokyo, and tickets go on sale February 11.
• Jim O’Rourke: http://tisue.net/orourke
• ATP: http://www.atpfestival.com